Our mission is to assist individuals with disabilities find and retain integrated employment in their communities and to earn higher wages so that they can become self-sufficient.
What is Social Security's Ticket to Work Program?
Social Security's Ticket to Work Program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits (SSI/SSDI) and want to work. The Ticket to Work Program is a free and voluntary program. If you are a Ticket to Work participant and are interested in finding a job without losing your benefits for a while, choose work, with Transitional Community Services.
Transitional Community Services is an Employment Network (EN) organization with Social Security's Ticket to Work Program. We offer Employment Supportive Services, and Benefits Counseling to ensure that you are well informed about how work may affect your disability benefits.
Our Services
Transitional Community Services uses a person-centered approach to tailor our client's employment needs. Our EN provides the following services:
- Ongoing employment supports to help you retain a job by offering monthly follow-up services, communicate with your employer to help you retain employment.
- Request Job Accommodations/Assistive devices to accommodate disability.
- Job Placement Assistance / resume writing/Interview coaching.
- Assist with connecting to appropriate resources for transportation, housing, and other employment needs.
- Benefits Counseling/ Work Incentives and Coordination.
- Financial Literacy
What is Benefits Counseling?
Benefits counseling is a free service offered by
Transitional Community Services to explain how working will affect your federal and state benefits, including:
• SSDI and SSI
• Housing assistance
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP)/food stamps
• Healthcare benefits, including Medicare and Medicaid
Workplace Readiness
Prepare for success in the job market with essential skills and professional training.
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us
Email: transitionalcommunityservices@gmail.com
About us
Transitional Community Services Ticket to Work EN is committed to providing exceptional employment services to individuals with disabilities. Our mission is to empower individuals with disabilities to become self-sufficient by providing supportive employment services, and resources tailored to the individual's needs to obtain and retain meaningful employment. We offer a range of employment supportive services, including benefits counseling, career coaching, and workplace readiness programs and ongoing employment supports. Our client-centered approach ensures that each service is tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients, fostering resilience and empowerment. We believe in the power of support and guidance to make a positive impact on people's lives, and we are dedicated to helping our community thrive.